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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday : 8:00 AM-10:00 AM, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Sundays & Public Holidays 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Closed Saturdays.

235 Main Road, Spring Grove, Wakefield 027 465 9637 Opening Hours
dogs enjoying the pool at spring grove dog kennels

Newsletter – February 2019

It has now been 3 years since we arrived at Springgrove Kennels and Cattery and what an exiting and busy 3 years it has been. My biggest objective was to offer the absolute best service and care I could for you and your precious companions, one where you could leave your pets knowing they would be cared for with love and patience and where each pet can be cared for and understood as an individual and I hope that I have achieved this goal and I will continue to strive to improve our service.

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